I haven't made these yet! This recipe is from
http://mariahealth.blogspot.com/. I am filing it here so I can find it when it's time to make it. I'm excited about this recipe because my children love bread and many of the recipes they like use biscuit dough or crecent rolls. I'm looking forward to trying this in place of the dough in those recipes. Stay tuned for reviews and new recipes using this biscuit subsitute!
1 1/2 TBS butter (cut into pieces)
1 cup Blanched almond flour
1/4 tsp Celtic sea salt
1 TBS baking powder
4 egg whites
OPTIONS: add 1 tsp of garlic or your favorite spice.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease a medium sized muffin pan. Whip egg whites until fluffy, but not stiff. In a separate bowl, sift the baking powder into the almond flour. Then add the butter and salt. Slowly fold in the almond mixture to the egg whites. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Serves 8.