Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chocolate Delight

Craving chocolate?  These chocolates have no sugars and no starches (that's right, no carbs!) and are made from coconut oil -- which has tons of health benfits, including distroying viruses, fighting diabetes, improving your skin, improving cardiovascular health, boosting your immune system, and stimulating your metabolism (just to name a few!)  (Dr. Mercola;    Now that I think about it, I haven't been sick since I started consuming coconut oil and have had more energy than ever.  Coincidence?  Anyway, since I still love my sweets, I probably eat anywhere from 2 to 4 Chocolate Delights a day.   They've never made me gain weight and it's perfect for when I'm craving chocolate.


4 TB milk (or if your diet allows it, use cream)
3/4 cup Splenda  or other sweetener (I use Ideal Sweetener, which is made from xylitol, in place of Splenda)
1 cup coconut oil
1 cup unsweetened baking cocoa (3/4 cup if you prefer the taste of milk chocolate over dark chocolate)

On the LOWEST HEAT possible, warm the milk (or cream) and add sweetener.  Stir until the sweetener is dissolved.  

Add the coconut oil and stir until melted.  DO NOT OVERHEAT - keep on the lowest setting possible.  After the coconut oil is melted, take the pan off the heat and add the cocoa.  Stir until well blended. 

Pour mixture into candy trays, ice cube trays, or in a jelly pan.  Cool in fridge until hardened.


**  Coconut oil becomes a liquid at around 75 degrees.  It's best to keep your chocolate delight in the fridge.  You can keep it out, assuming the temperature in your house remains under 75 (ish).  Leaving it out gives it a softer, more creamy texture, sort of like a truffle.

**  Chocolate Delight is very forgiving.  If it doesn't taste right, you can remelt it and start over. 

**  MIX IT UP by adding ground hazelnuts, sugar free flavored syrups, or extracts.  You may also fill the centers with peanut butter to make peanut butter cups.  The possibilities are endless!

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